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A841 | Легированная сталь для сосудов под давлением

A841 | Легированная сталь для сосудов под давлением

A841 is an alloy steel pressure vessel and boilers known for its high strength and toughness. “A” designates it as a ferrous material, and “841” refers to the ASTM standard for thermomechanically processed plates. It’s also called TMCP steel, offering excellent weldability, impact toughness, and resistance to fracture. Used in high-pressure equipment and tanks. Similar grades include P500Q, P690Q.


What is A841?

A841 is a steel alloy with 1.25% chromium and 0.5% molybdenum, designed for pressure vessels. It undergoes thermomechanical processing (TMCP) to improve toughness and strength. A841 offers excellent weldability, impact resistance, and fracture toughness, ideal for high-pressure use in oil, gas, chemical, and power industries. It comes in seven grades: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, with classifications like Class 1 and Class 2, based on tensile strength and heat treatment, as well as other classifications.

Why Choose A841 Alloy Pressure Vessel Steel?

For high-pressure environments, A841 Pressure Vessel Steel is a top choice. We recommend A841 for its toughness, weldability, and impact resistance. Its thermomechanical processing ensures excellent performance in demanding conditions, ideal for industries like oil, gas, and power. Choosing A841 means long-term safety and reliability. A841 stands out from other steels by offering consistent performance under stress and fewer welding issues. Its excellent fracture toughness and adaptability make it perfect for critical applications. If you need alternatives, we also offer А387 и А516, which provide similar high-pressure capabilities to suit your project.

Спецификация продукта

Категория Подробности
Стандарт качества ASTM A841/A841M
Сертификаты ISO 9001, CE, BPVC, EN 10028, ISO 14001, ISO 15156
Толщина 8-100mm
Ширина 900-4800мм
Длина 3000-25000мм
Масса Зависит от длины и ширины
Outer diameter (OD) Pipes: 20 mm to 610 mm, Bars: 10 mm to 400 mm
Inner diameter (ID) Pipes: 15 mm to 600 mm
Допуски Thickness: ±0.3mm to ±1.2mm, Width: ±3mm to ±10mm, Length: ±5mm to ±15mm
Технологии Hot Rolling, TMCP
Служба обработки Гибка, сварка, размотка, резка, штамповка
Формы Стальная пластина для сосудов под давлением, стальной лист для сосудов под давлением, трубы, профили
MOQ (минимальный объем заказа) 5 тонн (по фактическому тоннажу)
Время выполнения Обычно 7-20 дней
Условия цены и оплаты На основе требований заказчика, T/T, L/C
Порты Циндао, Ляньюньган, Далянь
Страны экспорта Юго-Восточная Азия, Центральная Азия, Европа, Россия, Южная Америка, Ближний Восток и т. д.
Способ доставки Предлагает морские, воздушные и индивидуальные перевозки

Химический состав

ЭлементGrade A (Class 1)Grade B (Class 1)Grade C (Class 1)Grade D (Class 3)Grade E (Class 4)Grade F (Class 6)Grade G (Class 10)
Углерод, С0.2 max0,15 макс.0.1 max0.09 max0,07 макс.0.1 max0.13 max
Кремний, Si0.15 – 0.50.15 – 0.50.15 – 0.50.05 – 0.250.05 – 0.30.1 – 0.450.04 – 0.15
Марганец, Mn0.7 – 1.350.7 – 1.350.7 – 1.61 – 20.7 – 1.61.1 – 1.70.6 – 1.2
Фосфор, P0,03 макс.0,03 макс.0,03 макс.0.01 max0,015 макс.0,02 макс.0,015 макс.
Сера, S0,03 макс.0,025 макс.0,015 макс.0.005 max0.005 max0,008 макс.0,015 макс.
Хром, Cr0,25 макс.0,25 макс.0,25 макс.0.3 max0.3 max0.3 max1 max
Никель, Ni0,25 макс.0.6 max0,25 макс.1 – 50.6 max0.85 max6 – 7.5
Медь, Cu0.35 max0.35 max0.35 max0,5 макс.0.35 max0.4 max0.35 max
Молибден, Mo0,08 макс.0.3 max0,08 макс.0.4 max0.3 max0,5 макс.0.3 max
Ванадий, V0,06 макс.0,06 макс.0,06 макс.0,02 макс.0,06 макс.0.09 max0,02 макс.
Ниобий, Nb0,03 макс.0,03 макс.0,06 макс.0,05 макс.0,08 макс.0.1 max0,05 макс.
Титан, Ti0,02 макс.0,03 макс.0,02 макс.
Бор, Б0.0005 – 0.0020.0007 max0.0007 max0.0005 – 0.002
Алюминий, AlAl≥0.02 or Als≥0.015Al≥0.02 or Als≥0.015Al≥0.02 or Als≥0.0150.02 minAl≥0.02 or Als≥0.015Al≥0.02 or Als≥0.0150.008 min

Механические свойства

СвойствоGrade A (Class 1)Grade B (Class 1)Grade C (Class 1)Grade D (Class 3)Grade E (Class 4)Grade F (Class 6)Grade G (Class 10)
Предел прочности585 – 760 MPa | 85 – 110 ksi585 – 760 MPa | 85 – 110 ksi620 – 790 MPa | 90 – 115 ksi690 – 830 MPa | 100 – 120 ksi620 – 790 MPa | 90 – 115 ksi620 – 760 MPa | 90 – 110 ksi690 – 930 MPa | 100 – 135 ksi
Предел текучести485 MPa | 70 ksi485 MPa | 70 ksi515 MPa | 75 ksi585 MPa | 85 ksi515 MPa | 75 ksi515 MPa | 75 ksi620 MPa | 90 ksi
Твёрдость по Бринеллю (HB)170 – 220 HB170 – 220 HB180 – 230 HB200 – 250 НВ180 – 230 HB180 – 230 HB200 – 260 HB
Твердость по Роквеллу (HRC)82 – 90 HRB82 – 90 HRB83 – 92 HRB87 – 95 HRB83 – 92 HRB83 – 92 HRB87 – 96 HRB
Твёрдость по Виккерсу (HV)170 – 220 В170 – 220 В180 – 230 В200 – 250 ВН180 – 230 В180 – 230 В200 – 260 HV
Удлинение (% в 50 мм)18%18%16%15%16%16%14%
Модуль упругости200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi

Данные после нормализующей обработки

СвойствоGrade A (Class 1)Grade B (Class 1)Grade C (Class 1)Grade D (Class 3)Grade E (Class 4)Grade F (Class 6)Grade G (Class 10)
Предел прочности690 – 830 MPa | 100 – 120 ksi690 – 830 MPa | 100 – 120 ksi760 – 900 MPa | 110 – 130 ksi830 – 930 MPa | 120 – 135 ksi760 – 900 MPa | 110 – 130 ksi690 – 860 MPa | 100 – 125 ksi830 – 960 MPa | 120 – 140 ksi
Предел текучести585 MPa | 85 ksi585 MPa | 85 ksi620 MPa | 90 ksi690 MPa | 100 ksi620 MPa | 90 ksi620 MPa | 90 ksi690 MPa | 100 ksi
Твёрдость по Бринеллю (HB)200 – 250 НВ200 – 250 НВ210 – 270 HB230 – 280 HB210 – 270 HB200 – 260 HB230 – 300 HB
Твердость по Роквеллу (HRC)87 – 95 HRB87 – 95 HRB88 – 96 HRB90 – 98 HRB88 – 96 HRB87 – 96 HRB90 – 99 HRB
Твёрдость по Виккерсу (HV)200 – 250 ВН200 – 250 ВН210 – 270 HV230 – 280 HV210 – 270 HV200 – 260 HV230 – 300 HV
Удлинение (% в 50 мм)15%15%14%13%14%14%12%
Модуль упругости200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi200 GPa | 29,000 ksi

Отрасли и приложения

Отрасли промышленностиПродукция
Сосуды под давлениемChemical reactors, Gas storage tanks, Boiler drums, Heat exchangers, LPG storage tanks
СудостроениеHull structures, Bulkheads, Deck structures, Offshore platforms, Submarine hulls
Нефть и газStorage tanks, Oil platforms, Pipeline systems, Drilling equipment, Pressure valves
Атомные электростанцииReactor pressure vessels, Containment vessels, Steam generators, Nuclear waste containers, Heat exchangers
Нефтехимическая промышленностьProcess vessels, Distillation towers, Heat exchangers, Chemical storage tanks, Gas scrubbers
СтроительствоStructural beams, Steel bridges, Heavy-duty columns, Foundation supports, Offshore wind structures
Горнодобывающее оборудованиеExcavator arms, Mining truck bodies, Crushers, Shovels, Loaders
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьAircraft fuselage, Spacecraft structural parts, Launch vehicle tanks, Pressure tanks, Engine components
ВоенныйArmored vehicles, Missile silos, Submarine pressure hulls, Tank turrets, Ammunition storage containers


Here are four key advantages of SteelPRO Group in packing A841 steel:

  1. Tailored Packaging: We customize packaging for A841, ensuring proper fit and protection for different sizes and thicknesses.
  2. Защита от коррозии: We use moisture-resistant wraps and corrosion inhibitors to safeguard A841 steel from damage.
  3. Reinforced Strapping: Secure strapping methods keep A841 stable during transport, preventing movement and damage.
  4. Соответствие стандартам: We meet international packaging standards, ensuring safe and compliant transport for A841 steel.

SteelPRO Group ensures reliable, high-quality packaging for A841 steel.


A841 Heat Treatment Product Options

We offer the following heat-treated A841 alloy pressure vessel steels:

  1. Quenched and Tempered A841 Steel: Processed at 900-1150°C, providing high strength and toughness for demanding applications.
  2. Normalized A841 Steel: Treated at 870-950°C, offering enhanced ductility and good weldability.
  3. TMCP A841 Steel: Improved strength and weldability through thermo-mechanical processing.
  4. Stress-Relieved A841 Steel: Heated at 540-600°C to reduce residual stresses after welding or forming.
  5. Custom Options: We also supply as-rolled or custom-specified A841 steel to meet your needs.

Our A841 steel ensures optimal mechanical properties for various applications.

A841 Surface Finish

We offer the following surface treatments for A841 steel:

  1. Дробеструйная обработка: Removes rust, scale, and contaminants, providing a clean surface for further processing.
  2. Маринование: Removes oxides and impurities, improving corrosion resistance and preparing the surface for coating.
  3. Цинкование: Applies a protective zinc coating, preventing corrosion and extending the lifespan of the steel.
  4. Рисование: Adds a protective layer to prevent corrosion and enhance aesthetics, available in a variety of coatings.
  5. Антикоррозийное покрытие: Provides a specialized layer that protects against harsh environmental conditions and chemical exposure.

По запросу могут быть выполнены индивидуальные требования к обработке поверхности.

Отказ от ответственности 
The above information on heat treatment options and surface finish processes for A841 steel reflects the services provided by SteelPRO Group. The suitability of these services for your specific applications may vary depending on project requirements and conditions. We recommend consulting with our technical team or a metallurgical expert to ensure the right treatment and finishing are selected for optimal performance. SteelPRO Group assumes no liability for the application of this information without proper consultation.

A841 Pressure Vessel Steel Supplier

Рабочие посещают фабрику.

As a trusted supplier of A841 Alloy Pressure Vessel Steel, we provide industry-leading service and expertise across multiple aspects:

Конкурентоспособные цены: We offer highly competitive prices without compromising on quality, ensuring value for your investment.

Timely Delivery: Our efficient production and logistics ensure fast lead times, keeping your projects on schedule.

Comprehensive Product Range: We supply a full range of A841 grades to meet diverse application needs, with various thicknesses and sizes available.

Strict Quality Assurance and Certifications: Every batch of A841 steel undergoes stringent quality testing, and we provide certifications in accordance with international standards like EN 10204 3.1/3.2.

Индивидуальные решения: We deliver tailor-made solutions based on your project requirements, including customized sizes, forms, and surface treatments.

Safe Packaging and Efficient Logistics: We ensure secure, damage-free packaging for all A841 steel products and provide reliable, transparent logistics to guarantee smooth delivery.

With us, you get a professional, comprehensive solution for all your A841 Alloy Pressure Vessel Steel needs.

Наши услуги

SteelPRO Group – производитель и поставщик решений для специальной стали, предлагающий многоотраслевые прикладные решения и индивидуальные услуги, качество 100% бесплатно, сопровождающий клиентов в их росте!

Наш контроль качества

  • Округлость
  • Терпимость
  • Микроструктура
  • Неразрушающий контроль
  • Разрушающий контроль
  • Управление процессами

Обработка интеграции услуг

  • Сварка
  • Изготовление Металла
  • Обработка на станках с ЧПУ
  • Токарный станок
  • Формирование

What Is The Difference Between Class 1 And Class 2 For A841 Steel?

Class 1 and Class 2 differ mainly in heat treatment and mechanical properties, with Class 2 offering higher strength for more demanding applications.

Can A841 Alloy Be Used For High-Pressure Environments?

Yes, A841 is designed for high-pressure environments, commonly used in pressure vessels and storage tanks.

Does A841 Steel Offer Good Weldability?

Yes, A841 steel has good weldability, particularly after heat treatments like normalizing or tempering.

Do You Offer Support With Technical Specifications And Drawings?

Yes, we provide full support with technical specifications, including customized solutions based on your project’s drawings and needs.

Can You Accommodate Urgent Requests?

Yes, we work closely with clients to handle urgent requests and expedite orders when necessary, depending on stock availability and processing requirements.

What Kind Of Testing Is Done Before Shipment?

We conduct thorough testing, including mechanical and chemical property verification, to ensure that all products meet industry standards before shipment.


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